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200 Million Year Projection

Moon Drifting Away, Could Lead to 25-Hour Days on Earth

200 Million-Year Projection

A recent study has revealed that the Moon is drifting away from Earth at a rate of 382 centimeters per year. This gradual separation could have a significant impact on the planet's rotation, potentially leading to days lasting 25 hours in approximately 200 million years.

Historical and Future Projections

The study indicates that billions of years ago, Earth's day was much shorter, lasting only a few hours. As the Moon moved away, the day gradually lengthened, and it is currently 24 hours long.

The current rate of separation suggests that in the distant future, Earth's day will continue to lengthen at a slow but steady pace. Eventually, it could reach 25 hours in duration.

Possible Consequences

The lengthening of Earth's day could have several consequences. The study suggests that it could impact the planet's climate, ocean currents, and wildlife. It could also disrupt human society, as daily schedules and time zones would need to be adjusted.
